Of course we weren't going to get away from the Club without her Pa (sometimes two Pa's, but the O has officially been dropped by Her Majesty, whose every syllable or lack thereof is of course Law) getting to show his granddaughter an actual functioning putting green. And she was primed for it, as soon as we drove up into the parking lot, she tried to rip herself out of her car-seat, pointing at the driving range and 18th hole, screaming, "Gah! Gah!" We had finally arrived at Golf, as seen on TV.

We hit the putting green, and in just a very few minutes, she was setting the club head behind the ball and then hitting it down toward the hole.

Of course, like frisbee-golf, the way she always wanted to end it was to pick the last shot up and then put it in the hole.
Followed by doing her best to cram Dad's really nice driver down into the hole after the ball, which of course he thought was wonderful.

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