Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
THE WEEK THAT WAS: 4/20-4/27/10
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
She pulled out an ARCHIE comic and brought it on over, yelling, "A. A!"
I was thinking, Surely not, and said, "Do you see an A on this cover?"
She points to the A in the logo and screams the letter again, can't understand why we aren't already reading this thing.
So, that DR. SEUSS'S ABC book is working out quite well, 25 to go. And then Japanese!
I was thinking, Surely not, and said, "Do you see an A on this cover?"
She points to the A in the logo and screams the letter again, can't understand why we aren't already reading this thing.
So, that DR. SEUSS'S ABC book is working out quite well, 25 to go. And then Japanese!

True & Accurate Breaking News from the frontlines of child care:
So, we're having breakfast, only bagels so far, and she's still got her doll wrapped up in her right arm, eating solely with the left, but then when it's time to switch to grapes, I ask her for the doll, just so it won't get her dress - or that incredible Little House thing that for some reason I've been directed to make certain stays on the totem's head - wet, but she won't give me the doll, keeps holding her away from me, Miller putting herself between the baby and me, to shield it protect it from the world, wonderful little microcosm of parenthood, and I'm thinking to myself, Wow, she already gets it, then just for fun, I show her the halved grapes and say, "Do you want grapes?"
Immediately, she hands me the kid, and says, "Bye," and this is her still waving goodbye five minutes and about a dozen grapes later.

EPILOGUE: To her credit, though, she's just this instant finished all those grapes (and orange slices) and the first thing she does is hold up her arms and shrug, "Baby?"
Back to it, then.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
So, with really not that many Sunday afternoons at his disposal, Miller's Opapa (my pop) has managed to pass his love of golf on down to such a degree that it's got to be at least partially genetic. I meant to throw the Masters on since Thursday, but kept forgetting. Then Saturday, after a baby shower for the Manns, capped off by stopping for a pint at a real-life Action Sports Bar!, we rolled home and threw it on ESPN for the highlights.
She loves it when they thwack that drive off the tee-box.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today we went to Crossroads, a non-denominational church just down the street, for their service and Easter egg hunt. The drummer was rocking and the pastor actually quoted Bono during the sermon, which got me all kinds of pumped. Like, just-barely-restraining-myself-from-standing-up-and-belting-out-the-last-verse-of-Until-The-End-Of-The-World-pumped. Which would have been horrific, because I wouldn't have stopped there, but done the Edge's guitar part and those closing vocals, all that.
At any rate, after that we had some barbecue from Rudy's, followed by The Hunt. It was a little bit windy and drizzly, but that did not serve to diminish the enthusiasm of any of the involved parties.
Here's how it went down.
Welcome to the blog dedicated to the life and times, adventures and catastrophes of Miller Li.
We've let a little more than 15 months go by without getting this booted up but figure there's no time to start like the present, so let's get to it.
There is an album on Picasa that's got highlights from the first seven months or so, so go check that out and come on back when you're done.
Take all the time you need, we'll be right here.
We've let a little more than 15 months go by without getting this booted up but figure there's no time to start like the present, so let's get to it.
There is an album on Picasa that's got highlights from the first seven months or so, so go check that out and come on back when you're done.
Take all the time you need, we'll be right here.
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